Pocket U.S. Constitution with Index & Declaration of Independence


Author: National Center for Constitutional Studies

Format: Other

Publisher: National Center for Constitutional Studies

15 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: 9781636253947 Categories: , , Tags: ,


This pocket-sized booklet contains the United States Constitution (including The Bill of Rights and Amendments 11-27), the Declaration of Independence, Index to the Constitution, selected quotes from the founding fathers, dates to remember. These documents have been proofed word for word against the originals housed in the Archives in Washington, D.C. They are identical in spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. The front cover of this pocket Constitution features a picture of George Washington holding a quill in his hand, inviting each of us to pledge our support for and commitment to the United States Constitution by maintaining and promoting its standard of liberty for ourselves and our posterity.

Additional information

Weight 2.3 lbs

SKU: 9781636253947

Categories: , ,


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