Guidebook to Amtrak’s(r) Empire Builder: Glacier National Park to Portland and Seattle


Author: Hoffman, Eva

Format: Paperback


2 in stock


Planning an upcoming train trip on Amtrak’s Empire Builder from Glacier National Park to Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington? Then this is the book for you! Learn about everything out your window milepost-by-milepost and really enhance your journey. It really helps pass the time knowing about the interesting people, places, and history that you will see. This book was written by Dr. Eva Hoffman of Evergreen, Colorado. When Dr. Hoffman passed in 2022, she left the copyrights for her books to the Midwest Rail Rangers, a 501(c)(3) non-profit rail history organization in Wisconsin. For more information and other book titles, head to and

Additional information

Weight 0.989875556 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 0.4 × 11 in

SKU: 9781365392122

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